One Heart Community Church

On February 14, 2010, God hit me like a brick. In the middle of worship, I broke down crying because of a situation with a recent break-up with my girlfriend. However, once I got back from church on my table I saw my Bible wide open. I thought to myself, “Hmmm I should probably take a dive into that.” Of course the passage that was open was the this, “Upon this rock you will build my Church.” I sat there wondering really God? Are you telling me to build YOUR church? After much prayer for about 3 hours straight, God told me that I was going to build his church. He later gave me the opportunity 3 days later to go to Canada on a mission trip. That same day he let me know that Montreal, Canada is where that church was going to be at. However, I made a deal with God. I had to have these 3 people with me in order for this to work. I had to have; Austin Reach, Bobby Bryant III, and Ben Frazier. Needless to say, we now have 10 members on our team and ready to have One Heart Community Church explode in the Canadian Region.

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