
1 09 2010

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my REFUGE and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2.

~This verse is the theme verse for the “Refuge” night of worship in La Grange, Georgia Sept 10th. One of the main things that Christians can get out of this verse is hope. The hope and knowledge that God, and God alone is our Refuge and He can do it all. God is fair and just in His ways, and His ways are not our ways. Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God was perfect. He didn’t mess up, fail a test, or lie to someone. He bore the sin of the world and took everything single pain away from our lives. This verse just reminds us that Jesus is the one REFUGE. No matter how hard you try to be in the world and be of the world, all will happen is grief and strife. God is your hiding place. He is the one person that will always answer you when you call on His Name. One of the many great things about having a God like that is instant communication. His cell phone doesn’t die, or computer break, or have a voicemail. God, the maker of the Heavens and the Earth is a lifeline. So, what can we get from today’s scripture? God is the one and only REFUGE, He alone can make all things new and gives a true hope. One Goal. One Purpose. One Body. One Heart. – One Heart Community Church. Amen.

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30 08 2010

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